we will do it together

Family Law

How We Can Help


The Law Office of Chad Zubi handles divorce cases with the care and professionalism.  We understand divorce is personal and effects lives permanently.  We work hard and aim to provide the best outcome for our clients.  If you have family law questions, call us today!

helping you in family court

Divorce Matters

Contested Divorce

A contested divorce means one or both of the parties are not in agreement and have several issues to work out.  These issues can include (but are not limited to) the actual separation, the financials, child custody, child support, visitations, etc.

We work together with our clients to learn what their desired outcome is and we strive to work toward that goal- together, with our client.

Uncontested Divorce

Sometimes a couple decides together that divorce is the best route for them to take to move on to the next stage of their lives.  When both parties are in agreement to everything (property division, assets, debts, child custody, child support, etc) then it is likely an uncontested divorce is a solution.  Working with an attorney is important to assure all legal documents are filed correctly, in the right order, and following the time-line outlined by the state laws.

Temporary Orders

In most cases, a petition for temporary orders are requested after the initial filing for divorce.  This is beneficials for couples who need a legal agreement while the divorce is pending in order to establish temporary child support, child custody and visitation arrangements, bills, and who is staying the in home.  These agreements are mandated by the court during the interim, while the divorce proceedings are taking place to ensure securities for our client.

Common Law Marriage

This one is more common than one might think.  While there is no such thing as a common law divorce in Texas, however, if your relationship meets the requirements of a legal marriage, you can be granted a divorce and are entitled to the same rights as you would be given in a general divorce.  If you are in a common law marriage and are seeking a divorce, it is important to learn all of your rights by discussing with our attorney.


Pre-Nuptial / Post-Nuptial Agreements

There is a stigma when a person mentions a pre-nuptial agreement or a post-nuptial agreement, but in reality, this is a great legal agreement to have to ensure security for both parties should a divorce situation arise.  It’s not putting a curse on the marriage, it’s a logical, practical document that can ultimately protect you and your spouse.  For example, people take out life insurance policies not hoping to die, but to protect their loved ones, a pre-nuptial/post-nuptial agreement is intended for the same reason.

Grey Divorce

Any divorce is unfortunate, but getting divorced later in life seems to hit quite differently.  The Law Office of Chad Zubi helps to make this transition easier for our clients to work for our client’s best interest and to help keep your assets safe and protect your future.





High Net Worth Divorce

If your divorce includes a high volume of assets, business ownership, complex accounts and financials then you need an attorney who is proficient with analyzing the evaluating the situation.  You worked hard for what you have and we work hard to make sure you get what’s fair and right.





Free Divorce Consultation

We don’t believe in charging people to learn about their rights in a possible upcoming divorce situation.

We believe everyone should be aware of their rights, their options, and know what steps they need to take next.

Schedule your free divorce consultation today!




Preparing for A Divorce

The Ultimate
Texas Divorce Checklist

Family Law Divorce

This E-book is to be used as a general guide, not legal advice.

plan of action

know your rights

In order to know where you’re going, we need to know where you are starting.  In our FREE family law consultation we go over your situation, your goals, inform you of your rights in a family law case, and then help you with a plan of action.  Book your free consultation and speak with an attorney today.


Schedule your Free Consultation

Schedule a 30 minute consultation to discuss your case with a Family Law Attorney.


Download Your Free EBook

Download our FREE Divorce Checklist E-Book


access Our Free Resources

Visit our resource page for more information and resources pertaining to family law.

Don't hire An Attorney Who Leaves You In The Dark.

This is a life changing event.  Our team is with you until the end.

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. This is a basic principle in every case and we take your trust in our firm seriously


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